Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June 2 - lots of pictures

Last weekend was a busy and productive weekend once again, here is an excerpt from an email that Amy sent out,
We got a lot done tonight! We planted cantaloupe, watermelon, pumpkins, winter squash, more dill seeds, one more row of pickling cucumbers, eggplant and peppers....lots of peppers. We have bell peppers, pepperoncini, sweet banana, Anaheim, early jalapeno & habenero. We reseeded the squash mounds that only had 1-2 coming up, finished to potato rows and tilled between them. We have potatoes we actually saw them! They look great!
And we weeded some more...lots of weeds :(

I was out watering this morning so I took a bunch of pictures to document the progress...

I love these sprinklers.
Of all the sprinklers, these are my favorite.
The weeds however, are definitely not my favorite.

One box at a time, we will conquer those darn weeds.
Look at how big the onions are getting!

Pepper Patch

Lettuce that needs to be harvested.
Pick the larger outside leaves, the center will continue to produce more until it gets too hot and they go to seed.
Mixed green harvest for our salad tonight.

Radishes are ready.
We will plant more once these are gone so eat up!

Beautiful Radish Bouquet

Itty Bitty Egg Plant

Potato Patch looking good.

And look! A potato!



Speaks for itself.

One of our zucchini rows.

Sweet Meat Squash


Elite Stitches said...

...if your zucchini is anything like ours, watch out!! We only have 5 plants, and already gave away a couple to neighbors. Still have 2 huge ones in the fridge and several ready to pick any time...But how yummy!! Good thing we really like the stuff!

Elite Stitches said...

p.s...looking awesome!